Text Mike @ 808-225-1590 to set up a free on-site quote
See Services Page For More Info On:
* Exterior Details
*Interior Details
*Monthly Maintenance Service
*Additional Services: Machine Polishing / Pet Hair Removal / Odor Treatment / Hard Water treatment, and more

IDA Certified / Insured /Licensed
Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm (weather permitting)
*1 Nov - 15 Mar: Regular Monthly Clients Only

What? Privately Owned Cars/SUVs/Trucks
Where? Your driveway (sorry, no apartments, curbsides, or in dirt/grass/gravel)
When/How? Suitable weather (winds, rain, snow etc., may require flexibility). On-site quotes and details by appointment.
*Please see the Services Page for more info
Payment? Accepting Cash, Check, Zelle or Apple Pay
